Monday, January 12, 2009

Less Dishwashing, More benefit for the Planet

As a full-time working mother, with two children (and a husband who counts in this instance) I absolutely dread doing the dishes. My kids are the worst about getting out a cup, using it for five minutes, putting it in the sink-- only to get another clean cup out of the cupboard twenty minutes later.

So I have to admit, I'm guilty of going the Plastic Cup route. Why wash when you can toss? I felt extremely guilty about adding to my already huge trash collection though. And then I found something great...and it cut the amount of dishes I have to wash AND is a great deal friendlier to the environment.

I found a replacement for my plastic cups, which cost no more than what I spend on plastic cups in the grocery store.

has a wonderful collection of green products-- ranging from decorative solar lanscape lighting to Nat-Ur Compostable cups. It is these cups that I am so glad I found.

Nat-UR products are made from Cereplast Compostables resins which are annually renewable, ecologically sound substitutes for petroleum-based plastic products. Nat -UR products replace nearly 100% of the petroleum dependent additives used in traditional plastics with bio-based materials such as corn, wheat, tapioca and potato starches.

These nifty cups are certified biodegradable and fully compostable, so if you have a compost pile brewing for garden uses (which I'm working on to benefit my crappy soil this spring) you can just add them to the compost pile and your veggies will thank you later.

The come in a variety of sizes. A pack of 50 of these in 16oz costs just $8.50. I don't know about you, but I used to pay $2 for a pack of 12 at my local grocery store-- that's the same price for a greatly improved product!

If you'd like more information on these cups, just click the picture of the cups or the Buy Green logo above.

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